Friday, November 28, 2008

Of Mice and ... Narnia!

Okay so, you know when you see a movie and then they come out with a sequel and somehow you feel obligated to see it? Yea. That was me with Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. And let me just tell you that I was not at all dissapointed.

The Pevensie siblings yet again take part on another adventure to save Narnia.

The sequel is about a village of Spanish people called the Telemarines who basically wiped out all of Narnia. But, as foreseen, the Pevensie siblings are summoned by Prince Caspian to help restore Narnia back to it's rightful owners, the creatures of Narnia.

It was absoluetly outstanding, including the new addition, Ben Barnes, who plays Prince Caspian. But let us not forget the rest of the cast because they also did such a phenonmenol job. My favorite part had to be seeing King Edmund change into such a mature young man. In the first one, his immaturity annoyed me hugely. But too see him act the way he did was almost heart warming. Out of all of the siblings, I think he changed the most. And my favorite line had to be,"The last time I didn't believe Lucy I ended up looking pretty stupid." Oh! And the mice! They were not only hilarious, but ... EXTREMELY HILARIOUS. His name was Reepicheap and he was not only clever, but he was a great fighter. He alone could do just as much damage as the humans. It was a great addition to the new creatures in the movie.

Altogether, it was nice to see Lucy, Susan, Peter, and Edmund get along much better than in the first one.

The sequel definitely outshown the first one. The battle scenes were extremely riveting, especially the battle between King Peter and the head of the Telemarines. Some argue that the sequel is much darker than the first one, and I agree. But it makes it a lot easier for adults and children to connect to the film. It almost even had a LOTR spin to it .... It was majestic.

For any other information on anything Narnia related, most definitely check out Narniaweb. It will do a great job on filling you in on anything to do with Narnia, it is absoluetly great.

"You're a mouse."-Telemarine
"You people have no imagination!"-Reepicheap

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Twilight Hype.

First and foremost, Happy Thanksgiving! Well, post Thanksgiving. My family celebrates for two days.

But now, as I promised, I am here for one purpose alone, and that is to speak Twilight. I am happy enough to admit that I am a TWILIGHTER. Meaning, I have read all four books, bought every magazine that I have seen with any Twilight characters on it, my walls have pictures of Rob Pattinson all over them, and I am starting to read the series for the second time.

So, I think it may be safe to say that I am a Twilighter.

Now, it is time to talk movies.

Melissa Rosenberg, the screenwriter for Twilight, did the best job she could adapting the phenomenon to the big screen. And in my opinion, she did a pretty good damn job. For any movie at all it is very difficult getting the movie to be precisely close to the book. Of course things were changed, added, and moved around, but all in all, Twilight came out a success.

The biggest problem with film adaptations with books is that the fans of the novels walk into the theatre automatically trying to find the films flaws. You can't do that or else the film as a whole will be ruined, and that is exactly why I will be going to watch Twilight for the second time tomorrow.

But yes, there were flaws. One being Edward's and Bella's relationship. The book as a whole is supposed to be based on their forbidden relationship, however, in the book, there was hardly any development. And oh! One of my favorite scenes in the book was not at all PUT INTO THE MOVIE! The scene in which they were doing blood analysis in class and Edward missed that class, and Bella fainted. Yea, wasn't in there. But to get back on track, I wish that Rosenberg would have done a better job of developing there love. It was rushed into extremely too fast.

Also, I would just like to touch basis on some of the characters. First of all, JASPER'S HAIR. What went wrong? They made him seem too girlish. Jackson Rathbone, the actor who played Jasper, just could NOT rock that hair style. And, one of my favorite scenes of him from the book, was again, not in the movie. When Jasper, Alice, and Bella were at the hotel, which in the movie they were there for like 5 minutes instead of a couple of days, Bella said something to him and Alice and Jasper said, "No Bella, you are worth it." THAT WAS NOT IN THERE!

And another thing, Bella's and Alice's relationship was also not developed, so I would definitely would like to see how they set that up in New Moon.

That is right, NEW MOON WAS APPROVED. After it's epic weekend, Entertainment Weekly had a post about it on their site. I have to say that I have some pretty high hopes for New Moon. I hope that whoever is directing it, because there is no definite answer on whether or not Catherine Hardwicke or the rest of the Twilight Cast for that matter, is able to take the criticism that Twilight received and use it to make New Moon even better. Although Twilight really wasn't targeted for the adult audience, the acting was kind of mediocre. So maybe that is something that will be fixed.

Bella kind of annoyed me in the movie ... I wasn't expecting her to look or seem that miserable ... And the first time that Jacob and Bella met up again seemed kind of FORCED. I don't know ... it didn't look like acting.
And Rob Pattinson did a great job with Edward. I don't care what anyone says. People need to keep in mind that Edward isn't supposed to be some modern day gorgeous ken doll. He supposed to be Victorian beautiful .. which he was.

All in all, Twilight wasn't half bad. It wasn't a masterpiece ... but I really wasn't as bad as I expected. So with that, I leave you all a gift! ;)

Gorgeous much?

"Yeah. Um... I had an adrenaline rush. It's very common. You can Google it. " -Edward

Monday, November 24, 2008

This is the beginning ...

So I thought it would only be fair if I start off my first post with something sassy, something spectacular, something defiantly important ....

A little about myself.

As you are reading these, there are a few things you, as the reader, should probably keep in mind. I have ADHD, so my thoughts will probably be all over the place. This is a warning. Another thing is, my dream job is to be a movie critic, specifically for Entertainment Weekly of course. Lastly, my spelling is atrocious, so please excuse me.

I go to school in Boston which I love dearly. Connecticut just wasn't cutting it for me ... once you've been to the city, you'll never want to go back.

Movies are a very important essential of my life. Now I may not know all of the classics, but I am catching up, I promise.

My walls at school are full of movie clippings from magazines, posters, advertisements ... because staring at these bathroom tiles are just disturbingly annoying.

I am a 18 year old poor college student who lives life according to no plan.

Oddly enough, I was named after the little mermaid ... by my older sister. Strange, eh?

I am new at this so please give me time to adjust, if you have any ideas, LEAVE THEM, point blank.

I'll be back Wednesday with a review of Twilight. I would have seen it at midnight on Thursday, but since I am such a wonderfull daughter an sister, I decided to wait to see it with my mother and two sisters on Wednesday when I go home for Thanksgiving break.

THE WAIT HAS BEEN KILLING ME. Basically because the damn movie is everywhere, and, because the damn movie is everywhere. =)

"This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time."-Fight Club