Thursday, December 4, 2008

Return of the Dark Knight?

With the highly anticipated dvd release of The Dark Night quickly approaching, fans have been talking. Not only have they been talking about the dvd's special features that have been leaked onto to the Internet by, but they have talking about a new installment of Batman ...

Although the loss of the extraordinary Heath Ledger has heart stricken us all, the loyal fans of Batman do not want to see the phenomenon come to an abrupt end. So they have been busy conjuring up some clever ideas on how to keep the series going.

They want to see new bad-ass villians. And not only do they have an idea of what villians they want to see, but they already have actresses and actors picked out to portray them ... They've come prepared.
So what does survey say? Hmm ...
1. The Riddler
2. Harley Quinn
3. Cat woman (a must.)
4. The Penguin
5. Bane

And then there is the cast ...

An obvious choice being: Angelina Jolie, and of course, Johnny Depp. And I suppose these choices are pretty efficient. Both of them are very gifted actors who hold such great versatile acting abilities. But it would be nice to see other actors and actresses claim the fame that comes with the part of staring in a film such as Batman... Maybe even a new actor or actress. In my opinion, that is how new talent is discovered.

However, other actors and actresses were considered as well.
Natalie Portman
Edward Norton
Keira Knightley
Daniel Day-Lewis (a must!)
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Viggo Mortensen
Kevin Spacey
Clive Owen

But we'll see .... What ever happens, I am sure that Christopher Nolan has something hidden up his sleeve. He has ceased to dissapoint us yet. Not only is he an exceptional director, but he is a talented writer. I am sure we can all agree that he did an amazing job with Dark Knight, Batman Begins, and even The Prestige...

"Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight. " - Lt. James Gordon

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really must say that I like what you wrote about here. I think the fans really do want to see the movie continue. Keep up the good work.